MacMillan Estate Planning Blog

Estate Planning During the Summer Months

Written by The MacMillan Estate Planning Team | Jun 15, 2023 6:50:48 PM

Summers are for spending time with family and with school out of session and longer, sunnier days, families have more opportunities to come together, whether relaxing at the family cabin, traveling or simply enjoying a backyard barbeque. In addition to creating new memories, a family trip or get together offers the perfect opportunity to address key aspects of your estate that could impact family harmony in the future.


Summer is when we often have a break from day-to-day obligations and allows us to think about long-term planning. Although some may not have estate plans in place, the summer is actually a great time to talk to your family and seek advice from our estate planning experts about building a thoughtful estate plan to protect you, your family, your assets and ultimately your legacy.


At MacMillan Estate Planning, we believe that an estate plan is built within a Strongroom which has four cornerstones: a life plan, a legal plan, a tax plan and a legacy plan. Your life plan (the most significant portion of your estate plan) details how you will allocate and enjoy your wealth in retirement, your legal plan protects your life plan, your plan for your taxes ensures you aren’t giving too much of your wealth away in taxes, and your legacy plan dictates how your assets will be passed down to your loved ones when that time comes.


Estate planning in the summer months will help you protect everything from a cherished holiday property to enjoying your retirement while preserving your legacy once you have passed on. The best time to contemplate something as serious as estate planning can be when we are relaxed, enjoying the sun, and spending time with those we love. It is when we are often reminded of what we truly value and can find ways to talk about it safely.


Join the experts at MacMillan Estate Planning on June 21, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. MT or June 24, 2023, at 10 a.m. MT for a complimentary webinar. The MacMillan Estate Planning team is here to help you reach your financial goals and safeguard your significance, whether it’s by auditing your current estate plan or creating a new one for you – contact us today to design your estate plan.