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Featured MacMillan Strategy: Federal Budget 2024: Brace for Rate Increase

As we see every spring, the 2024 federal budget for Canada was delivered on April 16, 2024. Federal budgets often bring mixed news: they outline government spending and future projects, but also introduce changes to taxation in Canada.
The 2024 federal budget brought significant tax changes. How will these changes affect you? Will the net impact be positive or negative? Are there opportunities for proactive planning to mitigate the impact of this budget on you or your estate?

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MacMillan Estate Planning | Top 10 Q&A from Paul Lindsey | May 31 2024


Ask an Expert | May 27th, 2024
How do the new tax changes impact you? (Calgary)

Ask an Expert | May 21st, 2024
How will the new federal tax changes affect you? (Edmonton)

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