Estate Freezes and Refreezes
If you are a business owner, the current market downturn offers a unique estate planning opportunity. Business owners can use an estate freeze to fix the value of their business during a market low. Then when the business value recovers in the future, they can transfer more to their heirs at a lesser value.
Watch the video above or read our blog here to find out more.
Leveraged Investing
With traditional investing, you invest your own money. With leveraged investing, you invest borrowed money – giving you the ability to buy more high-quality blue-chip stocks at cheaper prices, with a principle guarantee. If applied correctly, leveraged investing can help you to recover twice as fast. We saw this strategy work for numerous clients during past market corrections and are confident it could be an effective option today too.
Watch the video above or read our blog here to find out more.
Investment Trusts
Would you like to protect your investments from further losses and future market downturns while benefiting from market gains? Would you like your investments to bypass the probate process and be creditor protected too? Essentially a bespoke trust for your money, an investment trust benefits from key features afforded to both inter-vivos trusts AND investments held under The Insurance Act.
Read our blog article here to find out more.
Prescribed Interest Rate Loans
If you are paying the highest marginal rate of tax, income splitting with your low-income family members via a prescribed interest rate loan can substantially reduce your collective tax bill by thousands of dollars. Basically, this strategy involves a high-income individual lending money to a trust established for the benefit of a low-income family member at the CRA prescribed interest rate to decrease their collective tax bills.
Read our blog here to find out more.
Secure 65 Joint Partner Trust
If you are 65 years +, the Income Tax Act permits you to use an alternative tool instead of a traditional Will to transfer your assets to your spouse or common law partner – both tax and probate free. The Secure 65 Joint Partner Trust gives retirees peace of mind knowing that their retirement and future legacy plans are secure.
Watch the video above to find out more.
Living Wills
A personal directive, or living will, is very important in the event you became incapacitated. It is useful for an illness that leaves you unable to make decisions for a few days or longer. It takes the burden off your loved ones by telling them exactly what you want so they don't have to guess.
Read our blog article here to find out more.